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The name says it all, doesn’t it?

WhatTheLove™ offers energetic, entertaining, and educational individual and group coaching programs that are designed to remove the power and pain of bad relationships in your life, while giving singles and couples the tools to move from struggle to snuggle.

Bye bye bad relationships…hello love.

In addition to coaching, Coach Steph offers connections.  Unlike matchmaking, connecting focuses on connecting you with people who are ready for what you are.  All connecting  clients have been coached and evaluated.  They have not simply paid a fee and are given opportunities to date ad nauseam.

WhatTheLove™ also specializes in preparing singles for the love of your life.  It’s nothing for you find someone to date, or to have some girl or guy you can call on a lonely Saturday night, but to be ready, REALLY READY, for the love of your life takes work, even before he or she arrives in your life.  So, if you’re ready to get ready, then we’re ready for you (say that three times!).


Look, the truth of the matter is that you’ve been dating and not dating for a long time.  You are tired and ready to settle down and have something real (and realistic).  Even if you’re not interested in a relationship, relationship coaching can help you put in your platonic connections in proper perspective.   Regardless of your romantic status, life is all about relationships, and since we can’t get away from them, we might as well learn how to make them work out for us.

We get it!

WhatTheLove™ has everything that you need to move on to the next phase of your single life (which hopefully includes a significant other and some vegetables…preferably “carats.”).  But even if it doesn’t, it’s still a great opportunity to learn more about yourself…and that’s the most important person in the world to you.

…or it should be.