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Ok, so you’re not into the “coaching thing,” but you want some help–and you know you need it.  If that’s the case, then consider some of our other services:

Introducing the service that WILL change your (love) life: Connecting©

This is NOT matchmaking.  Matchmaking tends to match single individuals with little to no consideration of their current relationship health.  Connecting© requires that all individuals involved in creating the connection be coached.  By integrating coaching into the connection process, I substantially increase the possibility that I can unite individuals who are not only physically attracted to each other, but also emotionally, and mentally compatible.

I am looking for relationship ROCKSTARS! Is this you?

If you’re selected for this service, you, and each of your connections will be required to engage in a minimum of six (6) one-on-one coaching sessions. Each session is 40 minutes long. This is a necessary part of the program, and will provide valuable insight on how to make your interactions successful.

To start your application for this kick-butt program that you have no doubt that you are worthy of.


Dating Consulting (a $27.00 value)– Everything from defining the best “date space” for you, to crafting an outfit and look to get you noticed.  Maybe you’ve already met someone, and need to plan your next move.  Whatever issues surrounds your dating life, then we are here to help you come to a solution.  Consulting services start at $1.00/minute, with a 30 minute minimum (you get 3 minutes FREE).  [wp_cart:Dating Consulting:price: 27.00:end]

E-mail/Digital Coaching (a $17.00 value)– Send us an email or tweet with your latest dating dilemma and I’ll goto work for you immediately.  The first email issue is free.  Why not buy a Pack of 10 Digital solutions for just $17.00? [wp_cart:Digital Coaching:price: 17.00:end]

Digital Dating Manager (a $97.00 monthly value)– Too busy to date online? Hey it happens, so let us do it.  We’ll monitor your account, answer your emails, and even search for individuals that can meet your qualifications.  This is an invaluable service for a great girl or guy on the go, and who can benefit for the help of a third party.  Believe it or not, I used to do this for my father, and he loved just getting numbers of women that I pre-screened for him…per his specifications.  So, how about you? [wp_cart:Digital Dating Manager:price: 97.00:end]

Relationship ReCon (a $57.00 value)– Wondering what really happened?  Or, do you just want to know if he/she is interested.  Send them a CoachSteph-O-Gram and get the answers you need.  The answers you seek are only minutes away.  They will never know that you’ve employed some much-needed assistance to get to the bottom of things. Ooooooh! [wp_cart:Relationship Re-Con service :price: 57.00:end]

Rockstar Rx Program (a $397.00 value)– Are you bothered by the fact that, despite your best efforts, you cannot seem to keep a relationship together.  Do people leave you or just stop talking to you without explanation? Or, do you always seem to be surrounded by the wrong type of person and often find that he/she has betrayed you…yet again?  It’s time for a Relationship Rx (Rx= prescription).  This tool will help you identify who you are in both platonic and romantic relationships, and the role(s) that you play in their success, and failure.  This program also identifies strategies to use the Five-Step Rockstar program to your UNIQUE advantage.  IF (and only if) you are tired of being heartbroken, betrayed, bewildered and befuddled, then this is for you. Then, again, there’s always solidary confinement. [wp_cart:ROCKSTAR Rx:price: 397.00:end]

Don’t forget…all services $297.00 USD and above have a money back guarantee!

WhatTheLove™ offers energetic, entertaining, and educational individual and group coaching programs that are designed to remove the power and pain of bad relationships in your life, while giving singles and couples the tools to move from struggle to snuggle.

Bye bye bad relationships…hello love.