Watching “Love and Hip Hop” last night, was a pretty taxing experience. I admit that I only became interested in the show after I saw last season’s heartfelt proposal by Chrissy Lampkin to long-time beau, rapper Jim Jones—with ring and all.
My Take:
First of all, I have been where Chrissy is. She feels that she has to make somethings happen in her relationship, and because she wants marriage, she felt that it was okay to propose. The truth is that if after 6 years this man is okay with sleeping with you, and sharing a life with you day in and day out, but has YET to explore sharing his last name with you, take that as a sign.
Chrissy is a strong woman, and beautiful one at that. I am not saying that she should leave him, but I am saying that she should love herself more than she apparently does. There is nothing like being in love with a man who doesn’t reciprocate the level of emotion that you have for him. Do I doubt that Jim loves Chrissy? Nope. Do I doubt that he’s ready (or willing) to be a husband? Well… The proof is in the relationship. Jim doesn’t want to be a husband, at least right now. These two are in different places in this relationship, and that means that actions have to be taken–by both of them.
Need more proof? The proof in the proposal…that she made.
And as if it wasn’t enough that she proposed. Jim looked at her tear-stained face and replied, “I got you.” Well, that’s the problem, isn’t? You have her, and are fairly convinced that she isn’t going anywhere, so why bother legitimizing this relationship? Now, Chrissy believes that they are engaged, and she continues to push this agenda into Season 2, perhaps believing that is she keeps saying it (or asking about it) that it will become a reality.
Really, Chrissy?
But, this I do know: Jim love Chrissy. He does. Jim loves Chrissy enough to be with her the last 6 years, call her his woman, enjoy all the perks of her being a live-in “wifey” but not enough to make her Mrs. Jones?
That’s not enough love for me, and I wish it wasn’t for her. But it happens.
Chrissy should realize that it doesn’t take a grown man 6 years to decide what he wants. If he wanted to marry you…he would’ve asked YOU.
Probably adding to this sitch is the fact that Jim’s (or Jimmy’s) mother, isn’t exactly Chrissy’s biggest fan, and that’s putting it mildly.
If she were my client:
I would have to get to the bottom of why she wants to marry this man so badly, that she would propose to him. Is this about the 6 years they’ve spent together, or is this about building a future together? I spent 10 years in a relationship, and I relate to having all the years together and wanting them to culminate in something meaningful.
Additionally, we would have to explore what she’s prepared to do if he doesn’t step up to the plate and become her husband.
We’re not issuing ultimatums, but we are defining what she needs and wants for herself. As much as Chrissy loves Jim, she shouldn’t have to settle for a relationship that isn’t fulfilling her. I don’t want her to go another 6 years and perhaps 2-3 children later, and realize that she’s made a grave mistake.
What can all learn from this:
There is no reason why a woman should have to propose to a man. I am sorry to burst your feminist bubble, but after everything we go through to love and to honor the special man in our life, to now add proposing to the list, just seems unfair.
It is a privilege to share a life with someone, and if you don’t think the privilege of sharing of life with you merits him asking for it, then that says something more.
Additionally, we have to be prepared to take drastic steps when we’ve created a situation that is difficult to get out of. If Chrissy didn’t live with Jim, it would be easier for her to exit this relationship. And, I would’ve done just that after my proposal was met with, “I got you.”
The ultimate lesson: You cannot make anyone be what they don’t want to be. It’s clear that Jimmy doesn’t want to be a husband, and if you think you’re unfulfilled now, just imagine what will happen if he takes on the role without being prepared to do so.
Take the hint, Chrissy…you deserve more, and if he won’t give it to you…then you have be prepared to do something different.
I wish you the best!
Oh yea…don’t replace that engagement right you bought, and he lost. (Just my 2 cents!)