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Wondering what coaching can do for you…well, here’s one person who can tell you…

R.H. (Digital Coaching Client)
“When ‘Mr. Big’ realized that there was a new man in my life, he asked me not to rush things with the new guy, to allow him to get his mind together so we could “get back to normal”. I consulted Coach Steph whom crafted a master statement for me. It allowed him the opportunity to either stand up and be the man i needed him to be, or sit down so someone else could.
When i spoke the words to him, he was shocked and asked if he could call me back. 3 days passed and i received a text msg that was 4 pages long. He expressed to me how much he cared for me, enjoyed being with me, but knew he couldnt make me happy the way i deserved. This man actually was telling me to move on. And i was okay with it. Our very passionate romance was over, and this time, Im okay. 🙂 I had actually hoped he would sit down. I know he is a good man, hes never done anything to intentionally hurt me, however, he has never done anything to provide for me either. He has professed his love for me to numerous people and tried to protect me from his demons. And now…he is giving me happiness. I probally would have made the wrong decision if i would of had to make the choice.
I am very grateful to Coach Steph!! She helped me tremendously just by coaching me on what to say, and how to avoid the “boomerang”. I didnt really realize what the boomerang was, but once she explained it to me, i knew that everytime he “thought” i had cooled down, he came back. And im proud to say, since “tweeting” with Coach Steph, i havent responded to any of his attempts to speak!!”
L.M. (Life Coaching Client)
“Best thing that ever happened to me…changed my life.”
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